Monday, August 24, 2009

The GLORIOUS Basterds

Went and saw 'Inglourious Basterds' last night.

I remember how cool it was, circa 1994, when we stood in line in to see "Pulp Fiction" on State Street. We got there early, a mass had gathered under the Orphieum marquee and the line was down the street. It was freezing - there were winter hats, and gloves, and plumes of breath floating toward the nearly dark, late-afternoon sky. There was a buzz in the theater and people were excited. It was packed and people clapped at the end of it. There was consensus that Quentin Tarantino was the man.

The prince of Hollywood was now its king.

His future had promise. "Four Rooms" was so-so. "Jackie Brown" was overlooked (but very good). "Kill Bill" was enjoyable.

Then came "Death Proof". Goddamed awful. Long, boring, talky.

The king was dead.

"Inglourious Basterds" is a great movie - the best I've seen this year. Gory, hilarious, over the top. Perfect dialog (there's a scene involving one word in a foreign accent that completely pays off Brad Pitt carrying a weird southern drawl for 2+ hours). We will be quoting this one for years.

Part WW2 mission flick, part film noir, part Altman, part Schindler's List, part Coen brothers. An amalgamation that feels completely unique.

The acting is solid, the directing is amazing. There are a couple of long tracking shots that are mind-boggling. Not sure how he can top this one.

I heard an interview with Tarantino on Howard Stern last week. He had the basic story line in his head for years and was able to sit down and write this in 6 months. He may be nuts, but he is also be a creative genius.

Put it on your movie-night list. As a Tarantino fan, you will love this. As a film fan, you will relish it (and during certain parts, squirm). A masterpiece - most likely. An Oscar winner - a sure thing.

Long live the king.

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