Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Early Games


Another 11am football game. These suck.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going to the games, but the start times blow. Especially when attending them in person.

This might have been cool back in the days when almost everyone was a farmer. By 11am, you had been up for 8 hours and into the meat of your day.

But now. Bullshit.

I'm not thinking greedily. The occasional 6pm or 8pm start time is appreciated - by both liver and wallet (i.e. 9/5/09). I'm specifically thinking a few weeks ahead to October 17 - homecoming. From what I am told, I will be joined by Hans and Travis (last names removed to protect the non-innocent). I know if they come into town, there will definitely be pre-celebration the evening before the game. And once the train starts, it rarely comes to a full stop by 3am. Choo, choo, motherfuckers.

All of this makes for a painful ride early the next AM.

Back in the day, it was no problem. In fact, 2 or 3 hours of sleep on a nice, comfortable floor was the norm. Up with the crack of AC/DC, beer with your Cheerios (or whatever type of pizza/Okie-Dokie was left from the night before). Great times.

I am looking forward to reuniting with my old UW pals - it'll be great to hang out with them and the usual Saturday football crew. There will be shenanigans of the highest quality. I can't wait.

Listen to me bitch. It can only mean one thing - we're getting old.

Older? Yes.

Grown up? Never.

Bring on the 2:30 starts!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Old No. 1

Let me begin by apologizing for my lack of blog these past few days. I'm sure all four of my loyal readers were sad. Alas, I'm back.

During my normal fit of insomnia, I began watching a news special on the state of the pornography business in the modern era. It was interesting enough and the lady interviewer smiled and nodded her head as she asked vanilla questions. Nothing Earth-shattering, but a neat little way to try coax oneself to sleep.

One part in particular caught my attention. It was the legal plight of Max Hardcore, aka Paul Little, aka Racine's #1 son (thank you Wikipedia). Too spare specific details for my more squeamish readers (if you really want to know, Google it - you have been warned), Mr. Little was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison on 10 counts of violating federal obscenity laws (based on a tiered "litmus test", established by a 1973 court case, that determines if something is "obscene" or not).

I have seen what Mr. Little does. It is NOT my cup of tea and I would neither actively seek out his work nor would I pay for it. I do, however, feel that Mr. Little has been railroaded by a law that is unjust (can we really determine what people find acceptable over time - especially using laws that are 30 years old) and a policital system that was Hell-bent on imposing its religious morality on everyone and everything (this was executed during the Bush/Ashcroft administration).

It frightens me to think we have allowed the government to tell us what we can and cannot see, read or watch. There is no doubt this cannot be allowed - a slippery slope of the steepest kind.

As I tossed and turned, all of this got me to thinking about an article I had read earlier this past weekend. The Associate Press published a picture of a Marine in Afghanistan who was mortally wounded in a mortar attack. There was criticism and support of the AP's decision to run the picture.

Because of my appreciation for the 1st amdendment and my previous association with the Marine Corps, I was unsure of what my position was on this until I saw the picture. It was horrible - it is also a picture I will never forget.

I want people to see this - it made me question the value of war and the value of one heroic life. If one picture is making me question my standing on issues, then surely it will do the same for others. Isn't this the catalyst for change?

In this age of instant news and light-speed Internet, these types of things are always going to be available - it is up to you to make the decision if you want to see them or not. This is they way it should always be. Our ability to say, read and see what we want, when we want is paramount to our existence as Americans.

Both of these cases are rooted in our fundamental rights. They aren't easy decisions, but they are equally important.

If anything, it all allows us to easily be able to see Erin Andrews naked. Even if it was a plant.

Case closed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So tired.

What's the weirdest place you've fallen asleep?

I have worked at my current wonderful job for just over two years. Those who know me have heard me shower nothing but praises on it. I am amazed how much I have grown professionally and how much closer I am to realizing my professional dreams. I am so glad I went to college and am really making a difference in the world. [/sarcasm]

I digress.

When I have to do my best work at, well, work, I usually retreat to the shitter that is near the company gym. It's a little more off the beaten path.

I would go to the bathroom that is closer to my work area, but it proves to me that I work with a group of 7-year-olds that enjoy pissing and shitting everywhere. I mean, really, if this is how disgusting they are in public bathrooms, can you imagine what their homes look like?

I usually make my way into the john to catch up on the daily news and sports on my Brownberry. Haha, me clever. On more than one-half-dozen occasions, whilst feeling my morning or afternoon glory, I have heard someone sleeping in one of the other shitboxes. Full out mouth breathing (which initally made me think someone was "checking the power") and loudly snoring. That, my fine friends, is talent.

To be able to zonk out in a room filled with thick, shit-smelling air is impressive. Balls that big could only be hanging in the toilet water.

Do I wait and see who it is? Do I rat out this turd (sorry, too easy)? One can only imagine that call to the company ethics officer.

Make no mistake, double/triple flushes were in order. Stall doors were slammed. Yet the snoring continued as I washed my hands (another topic that needs to be discussed - especially for those you know are hammering the deuce and then walk out without even making a fake attempt and turning on the faucet).

It's just plain nasty. I could understand possibly dozing off once - maybe it was a late night - but this has happened again and again.

Even I'm disgusted, and I have some great shitting stories.